Transistor meaning
Transistor meaning

transistor meaning

Here are some examples of pentavalent impurities Silicon doped by trivalent impurity Phosphorus | image: If we add a trivalent impurity in a pure semiconductor which has 3 valence electrons, so a large number of holes will be created and current flow will be increased. so, the flow of current and conductivity of semiconductor increases.

transistor meaning

because, after doping semiconductor has more free electrons or holes. (This process is called doping) and Doping is required. Firstly, we add impurities into the semiconductors.but, if we give them the energy required to free the electrons then they act as a conductor. However, this means that they don’t allow current to flow in normal condition. Transistors are made with siliconand silicon is a semiconductor and Semiconductors are not completely conductor (flow the current easily) and not even completely nonconductors or insulators (don’t allow to flow current) they are intermediate. His this statement is famous as “Moore’s law”. The number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. Transistor’s weight is just under 0.000000000000000000000000000001 kg!Gordon Earle Moore, the co-founder and chairman emeritus of Intel Corporation said that Now, the world’s fastest supercomputer (“Sunway TaihuLight”) has 400 trillion transistors in its processing part of the hardware. It contained more than 3000 transistors and in 1957, customers could purchase it for $83,210 (or rent it for $1,760 a month). But, in April 1955 IBM announced the first completely transistorized computer “IBM 608 calculator”which was a calculator (shown at right). 23, 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley at the Bell Laboratories.īefore the transistor’s invention, all computers were based on ‘Vacuum Tubes’. What will happen? History of Transistorįirst completely transistorized computer “IBM 608 calculator” | image: Just imagine the world without computers! All robots in the companies, all printers, all machines are not more available. But your parent’s phone is also missing! All around the world all computers are gone invisible. now, you will go to your sibling’s room and try to make a phone call from their mobile to your mobile so you can found it easily.

transistor meaning

Imagine one day you woke up and found that your smartphone is not there. The device logically belongs to the varistor family, and has the transcondutance or transfer impedance of a device having gain, so that this combination is descriptive. Transistor is an abbreviated combination of the words “transconductance”or “transfer”, and “varistor”. Here is the meaning of transistor given by Bell Labs (transistor was invented at bell labs) In other words, transistor is a device made up of semiconductor which controls the voltage or current flow by transferring its resistance from high to low. We can pull out two words from the word “Transistor” and that words are “Transfer” and “Resister”.

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  • So, transistors are incredibly important! We are getting more and more depending on computers day by day and modern computers are based on the transistor.

    Transistor meaning